Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Making Your Pain Your Strength

December is a unique time of the year. As Christmas approaches and the year comes to a close, everything in our lives seems amplified. Sometimes, the most amplified things are the struggles we face, or the things in our lives we feel are missing. As human beings, it’s easy to allow these things to consume us, forgetting who we are, and who we’re supposed to be.

Christmas and New Year’s can be the best time of the year, but it can sometimes feel like the worst. These are the days where we want everything to be perfect, and these are the days we feel it most when they are not.

The holidays put a magnifying glass on everything bothering us. Many of us might be facing broken relationships, lost loved ones, family dissension, economic disparity, health related scares, or loneliness. Whether you’re going through one of these things, or everything on the list, there’s still hope.

Each struggle has an origin, and each struggle serves a purpose. What needs to be determined, is are your life’s struggles for the right reason’s or the wrong ones? Are you struggling because you followed your dream, or because you were afraid to? Because you told the truth, or because you lied? Because you had the courage to let go, or because your fear of change made you hold on to tight? Because you loved and lost, or because you were too afraid to love at all? Because you fought your addiction, or because you gave into it? Each option poses a painful challenge; the key is to accept the one that will make you better, not worse.

Our Struggles Give Us Our Humanity

Without making mistakes there’s no way to learn and move forward. Progress is only made through failure. Through our mistakes we learn how to create our success. This can be applied in any area of life, whether it’s personal, professional, economical, etc. No matter what you’re involved in, you will face a point in time where a personal struggle will engulf your life. Real heroes are judged by how they react in the face of overwhelming odds (George Washington, Martin Luther King Jr., Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Jesus Christ, etc.). We all face moments that we don’t understand, but there has to come a time when we accept what life has laid before us, and we use it to become who we’re supposed to be.

Regardless of where you are, and how you’ve handled you’re life’s challenges to this point, you can be certain that others around you are about to deal with life altering strife of their own. There will be a time when you can share what you’ve learned, and when you can turn your pain into strength for someone else. One day you can be thankful for the tests that life has put you through, because it allowed you to teach another person how to pass the tests life has laid before them.

This holiday season I want you to embrace the pains that have put you in touch with your humanity. These pains will give you the gift of compassion, and your compassion will give you the gift of helping those who need it.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Questions On Sugar

My question is:
What food is good to have with wine ( since it is suppose to prevent heart attacks) since cheese and meat are ruled out?

That's a good question Sally=)

I know how good it is to have something tasty with wine, here's my advice.

Make sure that around your wine and cheese time's you have something rich in soluble fiber (oats/oatbran, dried beans, nuts, flaxseed, barley, oranges, apples, carrots, etc). Soluble fiber binds with the fatty acids in your stomach and prolongs the digestive time helping to regulate blood sugar.

Make sure that if you are eating meats with the wine that the meat is as lean as you can get, or the safe bet is to substitute fish and poultry.

If you’re eating bread with the wine do your best to get something rich in fiber (multi-grain). Look at the ingredients and look for bread packed with oats, flaxseed etc.

Also make sure to get plenty of insoluble fiber (dark leafy vegetables, green beans, fruit skins, root vegetable skins, whole wheat products, corn bran, seeds $ nuts). This will keep you regular and help remove toxic buildup in the colon, also helping to prevent colon cancer.

Hope that helps=)


Ok Derek...I have a question too...

I’ve been reading about sugar (LOVE YOUR BLOGS) and from what I’ve read in other places, Stevia and Agave Nectar are ok...is this true? What do you think of substituting these on cereals, in lemonade, etc?

Wishing you the best Christmas ever
We miss you on the west coast

I recommend agave nectar as a choice sweetener. It’s 25% sweeter than sugar, so you can use less and get more! It’s also low on the glycemic index at 39 or less. This means you won’t get the spike in blood sugar that regular sugar causes, and it goes through a longer digestive process.

Stevia seems to be a reasonable substitute. However, there is not as much research on this product in the west, and many organizations are not willing to back it. It has had reasonable success in Japan and South America, but researchers fear that with America’s higher consumption rate, it could have a dire effect on our bodies. Short term answer: More research of this product needs to be done to safely recommend it.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate Part 3

Healthy Sugar

Natural unrefined raw sugar is not the assassin its bizarro counterpart bleached white refined sugar is. In fact it’s a source of minerals including Phosphorus, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium. Because the body can extract healthy contents in natural unrefined sugar, it can go through a healthy digestive process, and avoid corrupting the body’s organs and weakening the immune system.

Continuously adding sugar or sweeteners to your food is a bad idea, but there is a time and place for a little extra sugar. When you are faced with that appropriate time, make sure to use unrefined raw sugar. Honey in its purist form is also a healthier sugar source than refined white sugar.

Just because raw sugar is darker, doesn’t mean traditional brown sugar is raw or healthy. Brown sugar is the same as white refined sugar, just with a truckload of molasses in it. Sorry to disappoint.

Glucose, the Brain Sugar

Glucose is the energy source for our most important organ, the brain. Although the brain is far from our largest muscle or organ, it consumes roughly 20% of our total energy. It is vital that we give our brain the kind of energy it needs to function, as our every thought and movement depends on it.

The brain depends on the bloodstream to keep a constant supply of glucose, as it is the fuel that keeps the brain constantly working. The best source of glucose for the brain is found in complex carbohydrates including fruits, vegetables, legumes, and grains.

Complex carbohydrates provide time released circulation of glucose to the brain. However, refined sugar does the exact opposite, leading to countless problems in our cognitive thinking ability and emotional state. Refined sugar actually deprives the brain of the glucose that it uses for healthy functioning. It impairs the brains ability to concentrate, problem solve, remember, learn (any cognitive skill), as mental activity requires a great deal of energy. This is a problem facing our youth, as nutritional options provided to them at home and away often cause behavioral and emotional disturbances, not to mention sugar addictions they will fight for the rest of their lives. On a side note, it would be interesting to see how much money is being put in nutritional health education for children and adults with ADD and ADHD vs. the amount of money spent on pharmaceutical medications for these conditions.

Sugar in Fruits

Fruit is the best way to get the natural sugar your body craves and benefits from. The options and flavors of the world’s fruits are astounding, and many of them are already packed with the vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to keep the immune system running effectively.
Because fruit is a food and not a liquid, the body will take more time to extract the vitamins and nutrients needed, keeping it from entering the blood stream too quickly as it often does with juice. Whole fruits are also a natural source of fiber. The fiber allows for a longer digestive process, and keeps the insulin from removing the sugar from the fruits to quickly.

Sugar in Juice

Though fruit juice has the vitamins and nutrients of a fruit, it lacks the fiber whole fruits provide. Since juice comes in liquid form, the sugar enters into our bloodstreams much faster. Unless our blood sugar is low, this isn’t such a great thing. The fiber found in fruit “blunts” or slows down the affect of insulin, thus allowing our bodies more time to appropriately utilize the glucose. With fruit juices the body has to secrete more insulin to bring blood sugar levels back to normal, and if you remember the job of insulin, the excess sugar is often stored as fat.

It’s a bad idea to drink a lot of juice with a meal heavy in refined carbohydrates (the refined carbohydrates are bad enough in the first place), because in the end the body will have to produce far too much insulin to remove the sugar, only to have to store it as fat.

Mixing any sugar based liquid (wine, fruit juice, soda) with foods high in fat (red meat, cheese, exc.) isn’t wise. It’s easier for fat to enter the bloodstream with the sugar before it goes through it’s natural digestive process. This can lead to increased risk of artery clogging, higher cholesterol levels, and hypertension (high blood pressure).

The healthiest time for fruit juice is after a good rigorous workout when blood sugar is low and needs to be replenished. This will help the body to restore its energy levels. Unless your blood sugar is really low, I would recommend eating some fruit to get the added fiber.

More Hidden Sugar

The funny thing about sugar is all the ways corporations have to hide it. William Duftey, author of “The Sugar Blues” writes, “The use of the word carbohydrate to describe sugar is deliberately misleading,” and I agree. Refined white sugar is not a carbohydrate, it’s a man made poison that’s cheap, can keep a long unnatural shelf life, and makes addicts out of unsuspecting consumers.

Sugar is added to a limitless list of foods including spaghetti sauce, salad dressings, ice cream, soups, cereals, ketchup, and almost all processed foods. It’s a cheap way for food corporations to get us to enjoy their product, and ultimately become physically dependent on the content of the products.

Sugar is even put in certain brands of cigarettes and cigars. What I find more ridiculous, is that companies don’t have to provide the use of sugar with their smoking products. This is obviously a sinister trick employed to addict youngsters who might not have otherwise liked a harsher tasting natural cigarette. After a certain point it doesn’t matter if they like the taste or not, their already addicted.

Why Sugar’s a drug

In the online dictionary by Farlex, one of the definitions for drug is, “a chemical substance, such as a narcotic or hallucinogen that affects the central nervous system, causing changes in behavior and often addiction.” Hmmm, doesn’t this sound a little to much like refined sugar?

Refined sugar and flour stimulate the transmission of neurotransmitters in the brain including dopamine (associated with the brains pleasure system), serotonin (associated with regulation of mood), and norepinephrine (associated with the body’s stress response). The body and the brain eventually become dependent on sugar to help get the fix needed to continue the transmission of these neurotransmitters. Without the sugar, the body will go through withdrawals effecting things like mood, energy, sleep, etc. Refined sugar sends our bodies through emotional and psychological highs and lows. Oddly enough most people end up trying to fight back with more refined sugar. Just as drugs warp the body and brain, so does refined sugar.

What about Artificial Sweeteners?

There is only one word to describe artificial sweeteners, dangerous. I could list several to avoid, but that would be as if I were promoting the others in some morbid way. Artificial sweeteners typically come out to rave reviews, to only find that after a few years on the market they can cause cancer, develop tumors, destroy the immune system, cause dizziness, and even bring about hallucinations. Just thinking about artificial sweeteners frustrates me to no end.

An artificial sweetener is simply a group of synthetic chemicals meant to fool our taste buds into thinking its sugar. How on God’s green earth, does anyone think that this could possibly be non-poisonous to our body’s? Artificial sweeteners are simply another destructive way for corporate food companies to get rich off addicting their consumers to yet another manufactured toxin.

Where to Go from Here

Lets be honest, cutting sugar completely out of your diet is about as realistic as seeing a flock of pigs flying across the sky. Just like we can have a healthy relationship with fat, we can have a healthy relationship with sugar. Here’s what we need to do to build that relationship.

• Increase our complex carbohydrate intake (Fruits, vegetables, legumes (beans), whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole grain bread)
• Frequently eat low-fat healthy organic proteins (poultry, fish, beans, unsalted nuts)
• Eat healthy fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated)
• Drink water throughout the day to help circulate vitamins and nutrients from healthy foods
• Avoid as many processed foods as possible
• Stay active in a variety of ways (walking, jogging, circuit training, etc.)
• Know the content of your food before you eat it

Only through our health can we live truly free. By remaining un-educated about what we put in our bodies, we take away the freedom of our people by asking them to be responsible for us when we become unnecessarily sick. This is one of the great tests of our time. My belief is that hundreds of years from now, history will look back at this as a time when humanity struggled with sickness because of overconsumption of addictive foods. They will speak in classrooms of the few who became rich, and the many that became sick.

One day a nutritionally sound humanity will step beyond this barrier. The goal for each of us today, is to be the men and women that will lead America to a free and healthy future. As Americans we have the freedom of choice, its time we start making the right ones.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate Part 2

Refined Sugar

The leading addictive substance on Earth right now isn’t something smoked, snorted, or put in a syringe-its refined sugar. Refined sugar is destroying our bodies and our country from the inside out, and it’s vastly corrupting the rest of the world. I seriously doubt that if refined sugar were not desecrating almost every food we eat, national healthcare would be such a hot topic right now.

Refined Sugar is proving to be more deadly than ever realized. Refined sugar is linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (615,651 American deaths in 2007), and increased risk of cancer (565,650 American deaths in 2008), along with a list of other life threatening health conditions.

When something is too sweet to be true, it often is. Sugar is no different. Food manufactures understand the addictive nature of refined sugar to the human body and brain, and they have developed countless ways to sneak it into our food. They cover up the dirty deed with fat free labels and healthy heart promises, while behind the scenes they sneak the sugar in right under our noses. If something has any kind of added corn product (corn syrup, dextrose, corn starch) in the ingredients, it’s a disguise for added sugar. Other names to look for on food labels include fructose, sucrose glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, lactose, malt syrup, rice syrup, maltose, honey, and countless more.

If you’re trying to take control of your life and break away from refined sugar, make sure to start studying food labels to know when sugar is being snuck in to gain your unsuspecting obedience, along with your unwanted weight.

Why Refined Sugar is Poisonous

The main problem with excess refined sugar in the body is the overproduction of insulin by the pancreas in the effort to get blood sugar levels back to normal. Years of constant overproduction of insulin leads to high blood pressure, heart problems, increased risk of diabetes, and gestational diabetes during pregnancy.

According to obesity and Metabolism specialist Frank Suarez, people who become addicted to refined carbohydrates and sugars also start to have problems with their thyroid. The thyroid is important because it controls how quickly the body burns energy, creates proteins, and controls the body’s sensitivity to other hormones. If overproduction of insulin is affecting a person’s thyroid, this will ultimately lead to a slow unresponsive metabolism.

With constant refined sugar corrupting the blood stream countless problems begin to landslide. Ask yourself if any of these ring a bell for you or someone you know.

• Troubled immune system
• Hyperactivity
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Concentration difficulties
• Mood swings
• Eventual drowsiness and decreased activity
• Lower HDL’s (healthy cholesterol)
• Raised LDL’s (harmful cholesterol)
• Hyperglycemia
• Poor bacterial defense
• Kidney problems
• Eventual coronary heart condition
• Copper deficiency
• Problems absorbing calcium and magnesium
• Tooth decay & Gum Disease
• Acidic stomach
• Raised adrenaline levels in children
• Increased speed of the aging process causing wrinkles and gray hair
• Increased total cholesterol
• Weight gain and obesity
• Diabetes
• Osteoporosis
• Decrease in insulin sensitivity
• Decreased glucose tolerance
• Increased systolic blood pressure
• Food allergies
• Free radical formation in the bloodstream
• Toxemia during pregnancy
• Eczema in children
• Pancreas damage
• Hypertension
• Headaches and migraines
• Decrease in cognitive thinking skills
• Blood clots and strokes
• Bacterial fermentation in the colon

That’s only a fraction of the problems to much sugar can cause. For a more extensive list check out http://www.nancyappleton.com/NA144reasons.html

Common Refined Sugars to Look For

Any time sugar has been removed from another source, it goes through a refining process that strips out all health content once provided. Sucrose, fructose, and dextrose, are some of the most common refined sugars found in our foods and drinks.

Sucrose is a refined synthetic sugar derived from sugar cane and sugar beets. The juice from these items is extracted and boiled, until it begins to thicken and start a crystallization process. It later goes through a spinning cycle to remove the syrup leaving raw sugar. The raw sugar is then shipped to a refinery where it is washed and filtered to remove remaining ingredients and color. It is then bleached, crystallized, and packaged. This process removes 90% of the sugars bulk, including all the vitamins and nutrients, predigesting the sugar before it even gets to you. The body has to depend on previous stores of vitamins and minerals normally used for other healthful purposes, to fight the empty refined sugar poisoning the body and weakening the immune system.

Fructose is sugar that is found in fruits and vegetables. When found in its original source, it comes in a healthy dose. But what food manufacturers have done is make their own version of fructose by converting sugar in cornstarch to fructose, and mixing it with pure corn syrup to create high fructose corn syrup. High fructose corn syrup is found in almost all western soft drinks and considered one of the major causes of obesity. Because fructose is metabolized in the body’s liver, a diet high in fructose corn syrup is sure to lead to long term liver damage. Large amounts of fructose have also shown to increase triglyceride (fat) levels in the blood, increasing the likelihood of heart disease. British medicine journals have also linked diets high in fructose to Gout, a disease known to lead to acute arthritis.

Dextrose, also known as corn sugar or grape sugar, is sugar processed from starch. It is extracted from rice, wheat, potatoes, corn, honey, and sweet fruits. A list of things often using dextrose include bread, processed meats, cookies, caramel, ice cream, sports drinks (Gatorade), french fries, fish sticks, etc. Dextrose in some form is the sugar most U.S. companies use to add to their foods. As a refined sugar, dextrose represents more empty calories, and contributes heavily to the list of problems refined sugar has brought to the west. Along with other forms of refined sugar, dextrose contributes to tooth decay, osteoporosis, cancer, and heart disease.

Don’t worry about which of these phony sugars is more deadly. Studies indicate the average American consumes 150 pounds of refined sugar per year. It's all poisonous to your system, and at some point, no matter how healthy you might be, high consumption of refined sugar will seriously challenge your health.

Next Up!
Part 2

Healthy Sugar

Natural unrefined raw sugar is not the assassin that its bizarro counterpart bleached white refined sugar is….

Friday, November 20, 2009

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate Part 1


Have you ever been so frustrated with someone you loved, that you completely exploded on them and listed every error they ever made since the conception of your relationship? It’s safe to say that unless your blood relatives, that’s usually the beginning of the end.

There has been something festering in me for quite some time now. That is, the state of our country’s nutritional health! You are about to embark on reading why I have felt the need to get out what has been dominating my thoughts, and why I have had a nasty negative bug crawling up my you know what.

For the first few days as I edited my Intro piece, I felt vindicated and relieved that I wasn’t the one with the health issues. I was blasting everyone else for being so blase in taking care of themselves. I felt strong, smart, and better off because I knew how to be healthy. Then one day went by, followed by another, and I realized I was tearing apart the mistakes and choices of the people and the country I love the most. I knew immediately that even if I might be technically right, I was still wrong.

I have spent a great deal of time and research learning about a subject that can help all of us. Rather than grandstanding about how far we’ve fallen, I want to ask anyone who is interested in bettering their health to take the information that I am going to provide and think about how they can apply it to their life.

The subject of my late night efforts has been refined sugar, and how it’s slowly killing the country I love from the inside out. The surest way to destroy anything is to corrupt its center, and slowly move outward till it’s completely destroyed. This is how processed foods and refined sugars take over the human body. After millions of dollars spent on the health of our poor bodies, research is starting to discover what processed foods high in empty corrupted sugar content is doing to our people. Unfortunately, the news is not reaching all of us who need to educate ourselves to change this bodily assault.

My goal with this piece is to encourage my countrymen to learn about what they’re eating, and how to improve the fuel they are putting in their bodies. Our bodies and our minds are not two separate entities, but one flowing organism working to make up the thoughts we have, and the people we are. Through nutrition we have the ability to control our thoughts and actions in a positive manner. By eating the right foods vs. the wrong ones, we can be leaders instead of followers, and we can each begin re-taking control of our health and future destiny.

Food determines our health more than any other single factor. If we eat unhealthy foods, we will make unhealthy choices, just as eating healthy foods will help us make healthy and positive choices. Our brains our so rich and complex, that they need the finest fuel available to help us reach our full potential and well-being. This includes foods like complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and high quality proteins. Refined foods corrupt the natural relationship and synergy of our bodies. This ultimately corrupts the energy systems we depend on, as well as our physical and mental well being.

In this article I am going to talk about the dangers of the wrong kind of food’s, and how they have put our loved ones and our country into a health crises. I am not here to point my finger at anyone. I am here to give the information you will need to start making the right choices for your health, and wellbeing.

My goal is to empower those reading this with the knowledge as to how to avoid being taken advantage of by corporations looking to make money off addicting consumers to refined sugar laden foods.

The simple truth is we have a country addicted to refined sugars. One might think the use of the word addiction is strong, but it is without question the most appropriate term to use. I can understand why were addicted. Go to any grocery store and take 20 minutes to walk around reading the ingredients of the products on the shelves. Corporations have 20 different terms in which they use to hide added sugar and preservatives that poison your body every time you consume them. We continually overburden our immune system with refined processed foods, and because of this we are more susceptible to sickness, disease, mental stress, and self induced emotional despair. The only time any of these problems seem to fade for even a moment, is when we consume more of the food already causing our problems. Corporations don’t want us to have the knowledge of why this is happening to us. They get richer creating more unhealthy diet products meant to fix our old ailments, when what their really doing is creating new ones.

The only way to stop this cycle is to stop looking for new quick solutions to the same ever expanding old problem. Like any addict, we are in denial, or at the very least, we want to find short cuts that can cure us in less than a months time. The only thing shortcuts are good for is creating more problems. Success stories are built on knowledge and hard work, and healthy bodies are no different.

In most cases people say the journey itself was better than the end result. If all you’re concerned about is a look or an image, then keep searching for short cuts, but if true health is your desire, there is no better mission to embark on, than learning to understand and take care of your body.

Next up!

Part 1

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate

The leading addictive substance on earth right now isn’t something smoked, snorted, or put in a syringe, its refined sugar….

Fitness & Nutrtion Tips of the Week 11/20/09

Fitness Tip

If you have shooting pain or stiffness in your shoulders make sure to avoid pressing oriented exercises. Exercises to avoid include push-ups, bench press, dumbbell press, incline press, and overhead shoulder press. Pulling exercises may be appropriate, but make sure to do a light load and not straining to activate your shoulders. Safer exercises include light cable rows and light lat pull downs. Make sure to keep the workload light, and ask a friendly trainer to show you some light rotator cuff exercises that can help your damaged shoulder recover.

Nutrition Tip

Avoiding refined sugar is crucial in loosing the excess fat driving you mad. Refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar, malt, sucrose, dextrose, honey, fructose in soda, syrup, exc.--release into the blood stream almost immediately after consumption. Insulin is released into the blood to take the excess sugar away and provide restored balance to blood sugar levels. Unless the excess sugar is used immediately as energy from physical exertion, it is to be stored as fat on the body. Instead of eating less, stop eating a diet rich in refined sugar, I think you’ll enjoy the outcome.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Fitness & Nutrition Tips of the Week 11/09/09

Fitness Tip

To build a body with strength, stability, and integrity, a solid foundation must be implemented. The body’s foundation lies in its ability to stabilize under the presence of outside stress. Learn how to train your body for stabilization, and feel your body's foundation become sronger.
Stabilization example 1-
Forearm plank
Stabilization example 2 -
Single Leg Balance

Nutrition Tip

The human body is made up primarily of water. Based on that truth, it can be deduced that water should be given to the body on a consistent basis to maintain a high level of function. Because we are oxygen dependent beings, water is the healthiest thing we can consume. Water by weight is 89% oxygen, and 11% hydrogen. This means that by drinking a glass of water, one is drinking a hefty glass of oxygen. The transportation of oxygen is what drives the body’s metabolism, and because of this, the body's metabolism is increased by simply drinking water.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fitness & Nutrition Tips of the Week 11/04/09

Fitness Tip
Alternating upper body and lower body exercises in a circuit training format will promote increased circulation of blood through the entire body. By increasing the body’s circulation, one can improve the following:
• Heart health
• Energy levels
• Stress levels
• Pain management
• Disease prevention and/or management
• Transportation of oxygen, nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants to the body’s muscles and major organs.
• Immune system

Nutrition Tip
To boost the immune system, drink plenty of water, and eat a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. Water will increase the body’s circulation of blood, and the blood will transport the vitamins from the fruits and vegetables throughout the body helping to ward off sickness

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Home of My Dreams

I sometimes consider what kind of home I would like to live in one day. One particular day my head began floating away, as it will from time to time, daydreaming about the kind of home I saw in my future. I became wide eyed with a vision of a personal palace filled with uniquely exquisite rooms, an outside area furnished with a pool and jacuzzi, along with a gigantic yard decorated with flowers and a garden. After a while, my head slowly started to descend out of the clouds, and back to its rightful place, just above my shoulders. I was left in my modest Manhattan apartment, with the realization of how far off I was from the home of my dreams.

As I started considering my current residence, I realized there was very little to consider. I don’t like to say it was disheartening, but let’s face it, it was just that. As we all do at times, I began feeling inadequate. Life always seems so complicated when faced with moments of self discouragement. Because I deplore feeling rotten, I was determined to find a renewed sense of myself.

I went to the busy Manhattan streets with a new determination. I was set on feeling better, only I didn’t know how just yet to do it. In New York there is one common place we all seem to go for peace, a place where we realize there is more than concrete, lights, skyscrapers, subways, and endless horns being slammed by Cabbies competing for the next fair.

Central Park was filled with people enjoying the combination of sun, trees, a light breeze, green grass, dogs, frisbees, softballs, picnics, and one another. I began feeling a renewed sense of peace. As my mind cleared, my thoughts became more focused. I started observing people in a different light. Joggers ran by, bikers briskly streaked along the road, a couple peacefully napped under a tree, and children played in the open field. At once, I realized the inadequacy in my life was gone, and everything was ok. Then, it dawned on me.

The house I’ve always wanted was already mine! The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I began thinking of all the house had. A strong foundation, good framework, the rooms circulated nicely, the hallways were clean, the exterior and interior still undamaged , the heating and cooling systems worked great, no plumbing problems, the entertainment system was state of the art, it had all the gym equipment necessary, it was even mobile!

All of a sudden, I realized I already was a proud home owner. I began thinking of all the responsibilities that came with owning my home. Maintenance, water, energy, trash removal, regular cleaning, a kitchen full with healthy food, and more! As the stress began to build with thoughts of my new found responsibilities, I suddenly realized my dumb luck. I had already been handling those responsibilities quite well, and without knowing, it had been my job to help others maintain their homes as well!

As grand as my house was, it had only two windows, and these windows were different from any other. I knew immediately they were the most unique windows the world had to offer, and just as immediately, I realized everyone had two of these very same windows.

Night began to fall, and I left Central park. I walked back to my modest Manhattan apartment, looking at the homes I had not really noticed before. Never had I seen so many. I wondered if the home owners realized what I finally had that day. If not, I knew I wanted to make it part of my life’s mission to help them know what I finally knew.

I finished that night as I always do, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I put up my tooth brush, and stood looking through my two windows into the mirror over the sink. I was truly thankful for the first time of my strong healthy home, and I cherished my new perspective on how to take care of where I truly lived after all. At these thoughts, I saw the entrance to my home curl into a smile, and a laugh blow through the gate.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beat Stress with the Workday Workout

I recently moved to New York, and all I can say, is wow! Growing up in the state of California I spent the first half of my life in the Sierra mountains and the second half on the southern coast. I couldn’t ask for a more beautiful first 30 years. The question I get the most in New York is, “Why on earth did you move here?” I always give the same answer, “I was ready for an adventure!” Lets be honest, there’s no place like New York. The energy in the city is electric, and no matter how many times you see it in a movie, you can’t feel it until you’re actually in the middle of it. Like any place it takes a while to see what the pros and cons are. The pros are easy. I’ve never been to a city with such diversity. NYC people watching is second to none. The food selection in New York is limitless, entertainment options are never ending, the fashion is cutting edge, the museums are jaw dropping, the seasons are beautiful, and when the sports franchises are hot the stadiums are shaking. As overwhelming as the pros are, the cons can be just as overwhelming. Competition is fierce. Everyone fighting to get a particular job, and everyone fighting to keep it. Big rents for small spaces. Work, more work, eat, work, hopefully socialize, sleep, repeat … Sound familiar? Even though New York is one of the biggest cities in the world, it can also be the loneliest. This remarkable city can be remarkably tough. Let’s face it, as great as New York is, it can be one stressful city to live in. All of the amazing things coupled with a few of the not so amazing things can really affect a person’s stress levels, sending them up, down, and all around. So what can be done to fix the stress that comes with living in the big city?

What is stress?

In the Merriam-Webster online dictionary you will find stress described as “a constraining force or influence.” Everything in life provides us with some form of stress. Endocrinologist Hans Selye developed the term Eustress. Eustress is recognized as good stress, a stress known for providing us with feeling of fulfillment and/or other positive feelings. Distress is recognized as a suffering process an individual experiences when they are not able to adapt to stress. Each of these stresses has a taxing effect on the body. Without finding natural healthy outlets for built up stress, we force our body to continually go through a series of physical and emotional breakdowns.

What happens to the body during stress?

Distress is a physiological response our body’s go through when in a state of self torment. The famous “fight or flight” syndrome is similar to the process the body goes through when introduced to a stressful situation. As we become physically and mentally overburdened with stress, the body reacts by releasing a powerful hormone known as Cortisol. Cortisol is commonly referred to as, “the stress hormone”. The more stressful the situation, the more cortisol the body releases.

How Cortisol Helps Us

As stress affects the body, cortisol is immediately released, acting to raise blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Instinctively the body is trying to give itself the extra boost it needs to help remove itself from an unsafe situation, or fight off a dangerous threat. The primary function of cortisol is to provide a quick burst of energy, heighten memory function, generate a burst of increased immunity, lower sensitivity to pain, and help maintain homeostasis in the body. As good as that all sounds, it is extremely important for the body to regulate its cortisol levels, otherwise there are a number of negative side effects.

How Cortisol Hurts Us

It is important for a person with high cortisol levels resulting from stress to return the body back to it’s normal functioning state as soon as possible. If the body is unable to lower its cortisol levels, the chronic stress builds, leaving a person open to a variety of unhealthy conditions. Side effects of excessive cortisol include a slowed metabolism, a weakened immune system, blood sugar imbalances leading to hyperglycemia (diabetes), reduction of bone formation leading to osteoporosis, high blood pressure, sleep depravation, decreased muscle tissue, and increased abdominal fat.

How to Successfully Lower Stress

With stress causing a huge upward spike in blood sugar one of the best things a person can do is exercise. Exercise has shown to successfully reduce a person’s cortisol levels and improve mood. With the body’s natural response to stress being cortisol, there needs to be an equally natural outlet to rid itself of the cortisol left unused. Since most of the time there is no one to fight or no where to run, exercise and aerobic activity end up being the body’s best natural response to healthy regulation of cortisol levels.

The Best Way to Exercise Stress

A fine line exists between working out to reduce stress, and working out to increase it. Aerobic exercise and moderate full body circuit strength training are great ways to reduce cortisol levels. However, working out for too long with too much intensity will raise cortisol levels even higher. Because cortisol is the body’s response to anything causing us stress (good and bad), running too long or lifting weights too hard will keep your cortisol levels up and your stress level too high. Listen to your body and let it tell you when high intensity workouts will help, or when a more moderate workout program might be better.

The Workday Workout

With everything keeping us busy these days it can be near imposable to get to a gym. Guess what, that’s ok. A healthy active life comes from how one spends their time outside of the gym, not in it. Since moderate exercise is the best for stress relief, it will be easy to add some routine daily exercises that can be done anywhere.

• Start by parking the car 15 minutes from work, or getting off the subway a stop early to walk the rest of the way.
• After a nutritious lunch, take another 15 minute walk before getting back to work.
• Learn some upper and lower body exercises that can be done anywhere.
• Take three to five two minute breaks in the office spending the first minute doing a lower body exercise followed by the second minute doing an upper body exercise. Examples include chair squats, followed by desk or wall push-ups.
• Finish the day with a 15 minute walk away from the office, allowing yourself to get out of work mode. This will help relieve the days stress and get you ready to spend the evening in a more relaxed state.

By taking a 15 minute walk to work, a 15 minute walk at lunch, taking 3-5 two minute light exercise breaks, and walking another 15 minutes at the end of the day, you have actually exercised for nearly an hour. It’s literally that easy.

The Physical Benefits of the Workday Workout

Creating a daily habit of movement for your body will provide the following benefits
• A healthy metabolism
• A stronger heart and circulatory system
• Weight management
• Muscular Strength
• Balance
• A Stronger immune system
• Prevention of disease and/or disease management
• A slowing of the aging process
• Increased bone formation causing a reduced risk off osteopenia/osteoporosis
• Enhanced concentration
• Increased confidence
• Higher work production
• Improved quality of life
Help yourself get the body you need to live the life you want!

Derek Moore
Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist