Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Home of My Dreams

I sometimes consider what kind of home I would like to live in one day. One particular day my head began floating away, as it will from time to time, daydreaming about the kind of home I saw in my future. I became wide eyed with a vision of a personal palace filled with uniquely exquisite rooms, an outside area furnished with a pool and jacuzzi, along with a gigantic yard decorated with flowers and a garden. After a while, my head slowly started to descend out of the clouds, and back to its rightful place, just above my shoulders. I was left in my modest Manhattan apartment, with the realization of how far off I was from the home of my dreams.

As I started considering my current residence, I realized there was very little to consider. I don’t like to say it was disheartening, but let’s face it, it was just that. As we all do at times, I began feeling inadequate. Life always seems so complicated when faced with moments of self discouragement. Because I deplore feeling rotten, I was determined to find a renewed sense of myself.

I went to the busy Manhattan streets with a new determination. I was set on feeling better, only I didn’t know how just yet to do it. In New York there is one common place we all seem to go for peace, a place where we realize there is more than concrete, lights, skyscrapers, subways, and endless horns being slammed by Cabbies competing for the next fair.

Central Park was filled with people enjoying the combination of sun, trees, a light breeze, green grass, dogs, frisbees, softballs, picnics, and one another. I began feeling a renewed sense of peace. As my mind cleared, my thoughts became more focused. I started observing people in a different light. Joggers ran by, bikers briskly streaked along the road, a couple peacefully napped under a tree, and children played in the open field. At once, I realized the inadequacy in my life was gone, and everything was ok. Then, it dawned on me.

The house I’ve always wanted was already mine! The more I thought about it, the more excited I became. I began thinking of all the house had. A strong foundation, good framework, the rooms circulated nicely, the hallways were clean, the exterior and interior still undamaged , the heating and cooling systems worked great, no plumbing problems, the entertainment system was state of the art, it had all the gym equipment necessary, it was even mobile!

All of a sudden, I realized I already was a proud home owner. I began thinking of all the responsibilities that came with owning my home. Maintenance, water, energy, trash removal, regular cleaning, a kitchen full with healthy food, and more! As the stress began to build with thoughts of my new found responsibilities, I suddenly realized my dumb luck. I had already been handling those responsibilities quite well, and without knowing, it had been my job to help others maintain their homes as well!

As grand as my house was, it had only two windows, and these windows were different from any other. I knew immediately they were the most unique windows the world had to offer, and just as immediately, I realized everyone had two of these very same windows.

Night began to fall, and I left Central park. I walked back to my modest Manhattan apartment, looking at the homes I had not really noticed before. Never had I seen so many. I wondered if the home owners realized what I finally had that day. If not, I knew I wanted to make it part of my life’s mission to help them know what I finally knew.

I finished that night as I always do, brushing my teeth and washing my face. I put up my tooth brush, and stood looking through my two windows into the mirror over the sink. I was truly thankful for the first time of my strong healthy home, and I cherished my new perspective on how to take care of where I truly lived after all. At these thoughts, I saw the entrance to my home curl into a smile, and a laugh blow through the gate.

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