Friday, November 20, 2009

Fitness & Nutrtion Tips of the Week 11/20/09

Fitness Tip

If you have shooting pain or stiffness in your shoulders make sure to avoid pressing oriented exercises. Exercises to avoid include push-ups, bench press, dumbbell press, incline press, and overhead shoulder press. Pulling exercises may be appropriate, but make sure to do a light load and not straining to activate your shoulders. Safer exercises include light cable rows and light lat pull downs. Make sure to keep the workload light, and ask a friendly trainer to show you some light rotator cuff exercises that can help your damaged shoulder recover.

Nutrition Tip

Avoiding refined sugar is crucial in loosing the excess fat driving you mad. Refined sugars such as white sugar, brown sugar, malt, sucrose, dextrose, honey, fructose in soda, syrup, exc.--release into the blood stream almost immediately after consumption. Insulin is released into the blood to take the excess sugar away and provide restored balance to blood sugar levels. Unless the excess sugar is used immediately as energy from physical exertion, it is to be stored as fat on the body. Instead of eating less, stop eating a diet rich in refined sugar, I think you’ll enjoy the outcome.

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