Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Questions On Sugar

My question is:
What food is good to have with wine ( since it is suppose to prevent heart attacks) since cheese and meat are ruled out?

That's a good question Sally=)

I know how good it is to have something tasty with wine, here's my advice.

Make sure that around your wine and cheese time's you have something rich in soluble fiber (oats/oatbran, dried beans, nuts, flaxseed, barley, oranges, apples, carrots, etc). Soluble fiber binds with the fatty acids in your stomach and prolongs the digestive time helping to regulate blood sugar.

Make sure that if you are eating meats with the wine that the meat is as lean as you can get, or the safe bet is to substitute fish and poultry.

If you’re eating bread with the wine do your best to get something rich in fiber (multi-grain). Look at the ingredients and look for bread packed with oats, flaxseed etc.

Also make sure to get plenty of insoluble fiber (dark leafy vegetables, green beans, fruit skins, root vegetable skins, whole wheat products, corn bran, seeds $ nuts). This will keep you regular and help remove toxic buildup in the colon, also helping to prevent colon cancer.

Hope that helps=)


Ok Derek...I have a question too...

I’ve been reading about sugar (LOVE YOUR BLOGS) and from what I’ve read in other places, Stevia and Agave Nectar are this true? What do you think of substituting these on cereals, in lemonade, etc?

Wishing you the best Christmas ever
We miss you on the west coast

I recommend agave nectar as a choice sweetener. It’s 25% sweeter than sugar, so you can use less and get more! It’s also low on the glycemic index at 39 or less. This means you won’t get the spike in blood sugar that regular sugar causes, and it goes through a longer digestive process.

Stevia seems to be a reasonable substitute. However, there is not as much research on this product in the west, and many organizations are not willing to back it. It has had reasonable success in Japan and South America, but researchers fear that with America’s higher consumption rate, it could have a dire effect on our bodies. Short term answer: More research of this product needs to be done to safely recommend it.

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