Friday, November 20, 2009

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate Part 1


Have you ever been so frustrated with someone you loved, that you completely exploded on them and listed every error they ever made since the conception of your relationship? It’s safe to say that unless your blood relatives, that’s usually the beginning of the end.

There has been something festering in me for quite some time now. That is, the state of our country’s nutritional health! You are about to embark on reading why I have felt the need to get out what has been dominating my thoughts, and why I have had a nasty negative bug crawling up my you know what.

For the first few days as I edited my Intro piece, I felt vindicated and relieved that I wasn’t the one with the health issues. I was blasting everyone else for being so blase in taking care of themselves. I felt strong, smart, and better off because I knew how to be healthy. Then one day went by, followed by another, and I realized I was tearing apart the mistakes and choices of the people and the country I love the most. I knew immediately that even if I might be technically right, I was still wrong.

I have spent a great deal of time and research learning about a subject that can help all of us. Rather than grandstanding about how far we’ve fallen, I want to ask anyone who is interested in bettering their health to take the information that I am going to provide and think about how they can apply it to their life.

The subject of my late night efforts has been refined sugar, and how it’s slowly killing the country I love from the inside out. The surest way to destroy anything is to corrupt its center, and slowly move outward till it’s completely destroyed. This is how processed foods and refined sugars take over the human body. After millions of dollars spent on the health of our poor bodies, research is starting to discover what processed foods high in empty corrupted sugar content is doing to our people. Unfortunately, the news is not reaching all of us who need to educate ourselves to change this bodily assault.

My goal with this piece is to encourage my countrymen to learn about what they’re eating, and how to improve the fuel they are putting in their bodies. Our bodies and our minds are not two separate entities, but one flowing organism working to make up the thoughts we have, and the people we are. Through nutrition we have the ability to control our thoughts and actions in a positive manner. By eating the right foods vs. the wrong ones, we can be leaders instead of followers, and we can each begin re-taking control of our health and future destiny.

Food determines our health more than any other single factor. If we eat unhealthy foods, we will make unhealthy choices, just as eating healthy foods will help us make healthy and positive choices. Our brains our so rich and complex, that they need the finest fuel available to help us reach our full potential and well-being. This includes foods like complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and high quality proteins. Refined foods corrupt the natural relationship and synergy of our bodies. This ultimately corrupts the energy systems we depend on, as well as our physical and mental well being.

In this article I am going to talk about the dangers of the wrong kind of food’s, and how they have put our loved ones and our country into a health crises. I am not here to point my finger at anyone. I am here to give the information you will need to start making the right choices for your health, and wellbeing.

My goal is to empower those reading this with the knowledge as to how to avoid being taken advantage of by corporations looking to make money off addicting consumers to refined sugar laden foods.

The simple truth is we have a country addicted to refined sugars. One might think the use of the word addiction is strong, but it is without question the most appropriate term to use. I can understand why were addicted. Go to any grocery store and take 20 minutes to walk around reading the ingredients of the products on the shelves. Corporations have 20 different terms in which they use to hide added sugar and preservatives that poison your body every time you consume them. We continually overburden our immune system with refined processed foods, and because of this we are more susceptible to sickness, disease, mental stress, and self induced emotional despair. The only time any of these problems seem to fade for even a moment, is when we consume more of the food already causing our problems. Corporations don’t want us to have the knowledge of why this is happening to us. They get richer creating more unhealthy diet products meant to fix our old ailments, when what their really doing is creating new ones.

The only way to stop this cycle is to stop looking for new quick solutions to the same ever expanding old problem. Like any addict, we are in denial, or at the very least, we want to find short cuts that can cure us in less than a months time. The only thing shortcuts are good for is creating more problems. Success stories are built on knowledge and hard work, and healthy bodies are no different.

In most cases people say the journey itself was better than the end result. If all you’re concerned about is a look or an image, then keep searching for short cuts, but if true health is your desire, there is no better mission to embark on, than learning to understand and take care of your body.

Next up!

Part 1

Refined Sugar: The Corporate Carbohydrate

The leading addictive substance on earth right now isn’t something smoked, snorted, or put in a syringe, its refined sugar….

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